I am Chandana Perera, I travel for Fun & Pleasure.

Chandana Perera Profile Pictures

I am with my kids

I, Chandana Perera, started traveling very recently for only pleasure and fun and I am not full-time travel or a budget traveler or backpack traveler.

Trying my best to not break any rules but I do bend rules if I need to overcome some obstacles being an entrepreneur.  To be honest with you, I have my own style when It comes to travel.

I give my highest priority over to my traveling and I do plan my travel very well in advance.

I do travel along or with my wife. Instead of journeying my traveling experiences, I thought of blog my experience so that some people would be able to find helpful information.

Who am I – Chandana Perera

I, Chandana Perera, Technologiest and entrepreneur.

My, moto is “Keep things Simple” therefore, I try my best to apply the “Keep thing Simple” philosophy everywhere and every time

I worked in the Software Development industry for more than 25 years. I engaged in many senior roles in various companies before I left the corporate world to pursue my own goals.

Since my entire carrier was with the software development industry, I apply Agile in my entrepreneurial life, normal day to day life, and business that I carry out.

I love to spend most of the time to be with my family and carry out my exciting life journey the way I enjoy. I believe in minimalism and want to keep everything simple.

Contact Me: Chandana Perera

I have several emails but if anybody wishes to contact me, please send me an email via the “Contact Me” page. I do check this account often.

Please do not get me wrong, I am not very active in Social media channels, but of course, I use these channels extensively for my business purpose.

Please do not message me on Facebook or any other social media channel, as I seldom check these.

Some of my great Memories

I always grateful to the USA as most of the time, I work for USA based Software Companies.

More than that, the USA visa opens the whole new world to me as the USA Visa enables me to obtain other countries’ visas without going through the major hassle. If you are an Asian, you know what I am talking about.

If you have a USA visa, most of the other countries do not hesitate grand visa

Chandana Perera - Apple Store in New York

I am an Apple fan and I use most of the Apple product. Visiting the Apple Store in New York was one of my dreams. I had a great experience at the store

The Apple Store in the New Your city is one of the best stories in the world. Steve Jobs spent a lot of time in the store to get the correct lighting at the store. It was one of the amazing experiences.

I am in front of the One world Building

Visiting the new Word Trade Center in New York was a very memorable experience. Now it is called One World.

Vising Singapore with my Father.

Singapore is my second motherland as I did my higher studies in Singapore and learned a lot about life when I was in Singapore. I have a lot of good memories therefore I often visit Singapore.

Vising Singapore with my father was one of the best decisions that I made. It was the first time that I traveled with my father anywhere outside the country.

We spend 4 nights in Singapore. of course, My father did not go to see the places but he enjoyed the trip.

Chandana Perera with his Father in Singapore.

Having Luch with my father. Geylang, Singapore

One of the main reasons that My father wanted to visit Singapore to see one of my best friends in Singapore.Mr. Nair was passed way but we wanted to see the family

Chandana, My father and Nair's family in Gayatri Restaurant at Singapore, Singapore

This Nair’s family is very special to me. I always grateful for them as they look after me when I was in Singapore.

Ticket to London Town & Leicester

Going to London was one of my dreams. The main objective of the trip was to attend the Graduation ceremony of my MBA at the University of Leicester.

This is a very memorable trip as when I arrived at the Heathrow airport even before passing the immigration, I got SMS mentioning that my company CEO passed away.  He was very young and we never expect this type of incident.

I am in front of London Eye. I was amazing experience

I am in front of the London Eye

Since we did not plan very well this UK trip, we visited a lot of places based on some of our friend’s advice.

Leicester University Graduation Ceremony 2016. Myself and my wife

Attending my graduation at the Universit of Leceister is one of the most memorable events in my life. I cherish these memories still and I was lucky to attend the ceremony with my wife.


Trip to Canada was one of the most planned journeys. we were in Toronto for two weeks. If you visit Canada \, at least you should spend more than a month in Canada.

It is a very big country like America and India. There are many places to be visited.

Country side of Brampton , Toronto , Canada. Myself and my wife

We visited the outskirts of Brampton to see some farming fields.

Exploring Niyara falls was one of the most profound experienced. I wish if I had taken my kids along with me to experience the same.

AlMacs Restaurant in Ontario, Canada. Very close to the Niagara Falls

Having Breakfast in AlMacs Restaurant in Ontario. 200M away from Niagara Falls

Rome & Florance in Italy

Chandana Perea : In front of Colosseum

Colosseum is a megalithic architecture which mesmerizes you when you see the architecture with your eyes

So far, My favorite Cities are Amsterdam and the City of Florance in Italy. It is a small city. You can explore the entire city within a day if you plan it properly.

We stayed for 1 night and visited many places. The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore is one of best the man-made churches in the world.

If you visit Florance, stay at least 2 nights to see the city properly.

Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

Summary: About Chandana Perera

I still do not have a DSLR camera yet and Still, I carry Canon PowerShot GLHP 110HS where ever I go :-).

Since I love photographic, I followed a course on “How to use DSLR Cameras” but still I prefer my Canon Powershot. I use a photo editing tool to edit my photos.

Travelling expanded my understanding of the world and added a lot of wisdom to me. Before traveling, I had a different view of the world.

The More I travel, I started falling in love with Sri Lanka, its people, and Culture and I strongly believe that humans have the right to travel the world without man-made restriction as this world belong to humans